Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

New Perspective

Salutations internetties! 
Just woke up from a very nice nap and feeling quite refreshed compared to what I felt before. Today was a tiresome day because I had nothing but bread with strawberry jam for breakfast and I had to endure lectures from 8 till 1 o'clock without break. I WAS HUNGRY! And dizzy too. But that doesn't matter because after that my friends, Rossy and Fadel, bought me McDondald's and I got to take a long nap. Oh and also because the lectures gave me a new and interesting insight! I don't regret that I came to campus on a Saturday just for that. I DON'T REGRET ANYTHING! (crazy person)

So today we had this seminar for introducing the studies that my faculty has. There were Interior Design, Fine Arts, Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design (Graphic Design), and Kriya (I don't know what do they call this in English. FAIL!). Each representative from those majors gave lectures about what they do and how studying in arts correlate with their lives. From all of the representative, what caught my eyes were Mr. Albert Yonathan from Fine Arts and Ms. Agnes Tandia from Textile Design (Kriya).  Although I appreciate each and every one of the lectures, I do have to admit I have bigger interest in Visual Arts rather than the other ones. Though, thanks to Mr. Rudy who made me laugh out loud with his lecture while struggling to keep myself from being awake and hungry through out the seminar.

Okay, first thing's first; Mr. Albert Yonathan. He studied ceramic art in ITB and graduated in 2007. Today wasn't the first time I saw him. I think I saw him before in my class being one of our lecturer's assistant. Anyway, when he first came into the room, I was ready to listen. He talked about his visions in his works and his final year assignment; amazing concept. His fondness towards human spirituality is amazing, and it shows in his artworks. 

Stoneware glazed, decal, various dimension, 2009

"Dwelling Places"
Glazed middle fire ceramics, decal, wood, 110x19x36.5cm, 2010
I feel so refreshed by the simplicity of the form he took. The way he represents the form of a human being in his work just tickles my sense so much I'm itching to see more what he had made and for his future artworks also.
He also described on how hard it is studying in Fine Arts because aside from practicing your work in dimensional forms, you also have to study theories and histories. Well, I personally am BAD at theories and histories. I didn't even get good marks in highschool for those kinda things. But this is what I want, this is what I like, and I'm gonna fight for it. I just wanna make people smile with what I do. I wanna see those curves in their lips every time they look at what I've made. I've always been and always will, with all that I have and will, want to put a smile on their faces.
His lecture was a slap to my face. Definitely. I had to think, what have I actually done so far to get here? What have I achieved? Have I reached the ultimate pleasure that I've dreamed of now that I'm in a place that thrives with the concept of beauty; the concept of beauty that I'm currently searching for? And still I don't have an answer to that. I'm just going to look around like a blind bat. But also like a blind bat, I'm learning to sense with more than just my eyes.

Oh, besides making ceramic arts, he also make amazing drawings! Again, showing simplicity that represents a whole lot of things.

"Doppelganger-Double Walker"
Gouace and pencil on paper, 57x43cm, 2010

"The Moon"
Pencil and color pencil, 42x29.7cm, 2008
From his lecture I learned that I still have a really long way to go in realizing my full potential in artwork. I'm still a long way to a point where I can say "This is me and no one else can be me!".
Hoping to meet him again in another time and learn more from him. You can also check him out in his blog; white circle. And at the end of the lecture, he gave us one of his favorite quotes:
"Beauty is an ecstasy; it is as simple as hunger. There is really nothing to be said about it. It is like the perfume of a rose: you can smell it and that is all" - W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

Okay now on to the second inspiration of the day; Ms. Agnes Tandia, the founder of Kulkith Shoes. She is an alumni of Textile Design in ITB also and graduated last July 2010. What I've found interesting is that she already establish a shoe brand of her own when she was about my age. Now her shoe brand is being sold all over Indonesia and even around the world. In the early days she made her lovely shoes because of one purpose, so that she could stand on her own two feet and continue studying what she likes. Though at first she claimed that she actually wanted to study in Visual Communication Design but she was sent to Kriya instead. Even though Kriya was her last choice in study, with time she came to like  it and enjoy it.
Kulkith Flat Boots - Black

Kulkith Wedges
They made various kinds of shoes I with batik designs on it. I really love the way she uses the material. Again, it's simple but interesting!
She made me realize my urges in art business. lol. 
She was the last lecturer of the day and she put up with our sleepy faces. I salute her for not going all crazy at us. haha. Of course, I salute her also for the struggle in her life.
You can check her works in their online shop, Kulkith Shoes. They can also ship to whenever your country is (I think. teehee)
Or if you somehow happen to be in Jakarta, Indonesia, just visit Geulis @ Level One, Grand Indonesia. 

Well, that's all for now. Imma have my dinner first.

Oh, and shout out to mui amigos, Rossy Apostrophe! The one who bought me today's lunch. You saved my life!

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

I'm Amused By An Incredible Child's Toy

A little box. It has a screen on it! What could it be?

Now there's a lens on it!

Ooo! I bet you have to insert this in the box to have fun!

Don't go to the light Luke!

LOOK! It's like an old TV, but upside down! 
Another day at campus and another random thing we did. 
Today started off with an English course at campus. I got the writing class and I just found out today that we're gonna write essays all semester. Fu, I'm not into writing academic text. I'm just not that argumentative. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to manage making up something through out the semester.

After having to write my first essay in months, we ushered ourselves to our next class. Thursday's class  always makes me stressed all to my bones. I just don't get the class. 

When we finished today's assignment, we were told to take a break while they give the grades for the assignments. My friends and I were just hanging out outside class reading old comics. And then one of my friend got this really interesting thing on his hand. It's a box! Yes, that magic box on the pictures above. That tiny box is a really old toy kids like us usually get from snacks when we were in our elementary school years. Back then, we can get fun just from that tiny box. Kids today all got their thingamajig, but this is old school. Just like Cartoon Network.
And it costed Rp2000,-! Or, in today's dollar, around 20 cents. But I don't know how much is Rp2000,- in the 90s. But still, Rp2000,- is expensive back then. You can just eat something fulfilling with that amount of money.

I wanna get back to the old days! And find more toys like this again.

Oh! I ended up getting a 55 on today's assignment. Oh well. Instead of the assignment, I focused on this instead.
An altar for my lost sanity.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Funtastic Class!

My notes. An attempt to be a good student.
Today's the first day of 'Gambar Bentuk' in semester 2 (I don't know what do we call this in English... let's just say it's drawing class). And finally, after 6 long months, I finally get to draw human anatomy! My favorite subject to draw.

An attempt to make Fun Ghoul and Poison Party
After drawing sceneries on last semester, I'm quite happy that this semester I get to draw what I like. And our first lesson was drawing faces; front view, side view, and 3/4 view. We learned a technique on how to keep a face's proportion right. It actually helped me make a better lookin' face and it made making faces easier than it used to be.

By the way, thanks to my doppelganger, Poppy, I got a new notebook! (yes, the one above) On the cover it says "NERDS DIG NOTES" and I do dig notebooks enough to have a couple lying around. Yessir!


Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


So I'm an Ophiuchus now? Kinda interested in what Ophiuchus have for me.

Some Sagittarius keywords:
Freedom Loving

I kinda see several of those in me. But oh well; I like both of my signs. I was born as a Sagittarius and having to adopt new sign is okay. Besides, I've always wanted to be a snake *wink*

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Pets (?)

Today I went to Paris Van Java with my mom and let's just say 'brother'. And I was surprised it on the middle of the PVJ's square, there's this garden of sunflowers and bunnies! Another surprise was the strolling peacock. I wanted to take pictures with it but restrained myself since it was already busy taking pictures with everybody else. lol

My mom wanted to buy me a new cabinet, so we went to the mart inside the PVJ. As we were strolling around inside, we found the pet section. And there were lots of hamsters! YAY! Somehow my eyes were caught by this particular breed of hamsters called the Syrian Loss Hair (?), or so the clerk claim it to be. Aren't they just adorable?! (If you can't guess which picture are they, it's the one with the pile of rat-like-creature on it) My mom and bro squirmed at the sight of their wrinkly skin. But I am pretty much intrigued by it. Well, let's just say between the hamster and I, we both have something in common. Unfortunately they cost for a whopping Rp.700.000,- or around $77 which made my wallet scream 7 freakin' octaves higher than usual. Damn you pricey hairless hamster!

And so lets fast forward to the part where we went to the pet shop. Another bunch of hamsters were there. But there were also dogs and cats this time. And there was a dog that looked like Wen Wen. I guess they were Wen Wen's breed. I was thinking that the dogs were cute and considering of someday buying one... but then the bulldog on top of Wen Wen's cage was lookin' almighty... and I want that! But since I don't have a house, I can't have one.
Damn you almighty looking bulldog!

From today, I can conclude that: I need a pet for the life of me!

Oh I forgot to mention, thanks to my friend Sarah (a.k.a kuching), my Lady Gaga art got featured on I Love Art's Tumblr. Go check it out!
Thank you so much Sarah!

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Another Project

Yes, a big project I might add. And no, it's not cleaning my room (because my mom had already kindly volunteer doing so; thank you mom). This project involves a large sized paper to cover a certain part of the wall on my bed side. And another thing; it involves Davey Havok. Yes my friend, the dude on my post before. Yeah, he gave such an impact to my eyes, I just HAVE to make something about him. I hope with the time I have, I can at least accomplish one.

Oh, and I just downloaded Skype. Yeah, finally. 
Because of the interesting talks with Wawan and hectic video conference with my friends from Duri, I finally decided, that a Skype account was actually needed.
Yes, Wawan, I thank you for the recommendation. And thank you also for inviting me to join such a fun conversation today. 
I can actually say throughout the whole conference, Wawan and I were able to predict 10 minutes into the future for Andra and Gegi. Because our internet connection was okay, on the other hand theirs were lagging 10 minutes. Being ahead in time is always fun.

thank you 


Jumat, 14 Januari 2011


In the past few days, I actually had the time to think of a few things from the past. Mainly music. Occasionally I tried to remind myself of the music I used to hear. But rarely I check them out again. But due to some powerful urge inside of me (which I don't even know what that urge is), I dug out again my old faves. My Chemical Romance; a band that lives on the hearts of emotion-filled teens. My Chemical Romance managed to engrave the beauty of the phrase 'sweet revenge' into my heart and kept it alive until now.  Well, I myself only can imagine how sweet it is. They told stories through their music; stories that day by day filled my head and ended up on to the paper in front of me. Yes, MCR influenced my art work a lot. A strong reason to listen to them again, I said in my head. Well, I didn't regret my decision to cast away my fandom for KPop for a while. I definitely miss my 'emo' days. I feel like those days were the days that I felt so free to express.

Hmmm... I think the intro of this post got way out of the main topic that I was aiming for. Damn. I let my mind ramble and transformed it into words.

This post was actually for me to show you that I'm interested (again) in AFI (A Fire Inside; not that crappy idol talent search show that miserably died) and 30 Seconds to Mars.

The fact that they made a short film rather than just a music video blew me away at that time; and it still amazes me now. Overall this video has charmed me once again into liking it. The emotions that build up as the music starts until it ends, it's just like a splash of cold water; it opens your eyes wide enough to realize things around you.

This video, just makes me feel stronger. I wanna dictate a crowd of masses dressed and make-uped all glamourous like Adam Lambert.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

I Used To Be Here

Yes people, I used to be here.

Why now? Why make a new one?
Because of the temptation from all the blogs that I've lurked in and because I forgot what happened to my old blog.
Right... my old Blogger. I think I deleted it.

You know, I just realized why I used to blog. I blog because I'm a forgetful person.
I want to remember my days, so I blogged every day.
And because of being to busy, I abandoned my blogging habit.

Cih... Help me.

My old blog @ Ameblo