Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

I'm Amused By An Incredible Child's Toy

A little box. It has a screen on it! What could it be?

Now there's a lens on it!

Ooo! I bet you have to insert this in the box to have fun!

Don't go to the light Luke!

LOOK! It's like an old TV, but upside down! 
Another day at campus and another random thing we did. 
Today started off with an English course at campus. I got the writing class and I just found out today that we're gonna write essays all semester. Fu, I'm not into writing academic text. I'm just not that argumentative. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to manage making up something through out the semester.

After having to write my first essay in months, we ushered ourselves to our next class. Thursday's class  always makes me stressed all to my bones. I just don't get the class. 

When we finished today's assignment, we were told to take a break while they give the grades for the assignments. My friends and I were just hanging out outside class reading old comics. And then one of my friend got this really interesting thing on his hand. It's a box! Yes, that magic box on the pictures above. That tiny box is a really old toy kids like us usually get from snacks when we were in our elementary school years. Back then, we can get fun just from that tiny box. Kids today all got their thingamajig, but this is old school. Just like Cartoon Network.
And it costed Rp2000,-! Or, in today's dollar, around 20 cents. But I don't know how much is Rp2000,- in the 90s. But still, Rp2000,- is expensive back then. You can just eat something fulfilling with that amount of money.

I wanna get back to the old days! And find more toys like this again.

Oh! I ended up getting a 55 on today's assignment. Oh well. Instead of the assignment, I focused on this instead.
An altar for my lost sanity.

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